Apache Parquet Avro

Apache Parquet Avro

Parquet is a columnar storage format that supports nested data. This provides the java implementation.

Version Arkiv Användningsområden Datum
1.9.x 1.9.0 central okt. 19, 2016
1.8.x 1.8.3 central maj 04, 2018
1.8.2 central jan. 19, 2017
1.8.1 central juli 17, 2015
1.8.0 central juli 12, 2015
1.7.x 1.7.0 central maj 15, 2015
1.14.x 1.14.1 central
1.14.0 central
1.13.x 1.13.1 central
1.13.0 central
1.12.x 1.12.1 central sep. 13, 2021
1.12.0 central maj 07, 2021
1.12.3 central
1.12.2 central
1.11.x 1.11.1 central apr. 15, 2021
1.11.0 central nov. 30, 2020
1.11.2 central
1.10.x 1.10.0 central apr. 05, 2018